Many of you will begin to notice a change in the worship space at St. Michael’s. Starting with the Easter Vigil, the Baptismal Font will become a permanent fixture in the church, and some of you may wonder why that is.
In addition to the fact that we use it for actual baptism, the Baptismal Font is important in a worship space for three reasons: 1) it reminds us of the amazing grace that Jesus confers on us in baptism, 2) it reminds us of the commitment that we made to Jesus at our baptism, and 3) it reminds us of the Great Commission – how we are called to share our faith with others.
When we are baptized, some truly amazing things happen. We are called to die to self, and to allow ourselves to be raised to new life in Jesus Christ. This is definitely a Resurrection theme, and it is one of the main reasons that Easter is a feast day where baptism is most appropriate. In baptism, we are washed clean of our sins and are initiated into the community of faith. As part of this commitment to die to self and allow Jesus to raise us up, we take certain vows of commitment:
- We will renounce Satan and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God.
- We will renounce the evil forces of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God.
- We will renounce all sinful desires that draw us from the love of God.
- We will turn to Jesus Christ and accept Him as our Savior.
- We will put our whole trust in His grace and love.
- We will promise to follow and obey Him as our Lord.
The baptismal font will be filled with Holy Water at all times. Many choose to dip their fingers in the water and make the sign of the cross as a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and of our commitment to Him. I think that is a great thing to do, but I will leave it up to each of you and your own individual piety. It is in no way expected of you.
Finally, as we reflect on baptism and its importance in the church, let’s not forget the importance of the Great Commission. Having the baptismal font there as we leave the church ties in very nicely with our sign leaving the parking lot which says “You are now entering the mission field.” The Great Commission exhorts us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20) As Christian disciples, we should have an intense desire to see people baptized at our baptismal font, and at baptismal fonts all over the world. And by this, I do not mean only children. When we see others coming to our Baptismal Font to make their confession that Jesus Christ is Lord, living and true, we know that we are living into who Jesus is calling us to be – intense disciples of Jesus who are going about spreading the gospel not only in the world and the larger church, but in our own community as well.
My brothers and sisters, when you see our baptismal font in the church, let it do two things. Let it remind you of the wonderful grace given to you and the commitment you made in your own baptismal vows. And let it also remind you of your call to proclaim your faith, both in word and deed, by loving and serving others, and by calling them to baptism in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Blessings to you all in this glorious Easter Season!