Friday, November 19, 2010

Letter to Congregation RE: Diocesan Lawsuit

November 19, 2010

Dear St. Michael’s Parish Family:

I write to you today to bring you very good news on the legal front. Yesterday, the Fifth District Court of Appeals of the State of California ruled completely in our Diocese’s favor on our appeal of the Superior Court’s decision. In effect, the appellate court declared that the trial court was wrong to get involved in ecclesiastical and doctrinal matters, and instead should look at each property dispute based on matters of neutral law. This is very clearly a significant victory for us in a significant battle.

At this point, the case is back in the hands of the Episcopal Church. They can either attempt to have the ruling reviewed by the California Supreme Court, or they can amend their original lawsuit at the Superior Court level and proceed from there. What they will do remains to be seen.

It is important, though, to take this court decision in context. As you are aware, the lawsuit that is in process right now is between the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin and the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin. Since St. Michael’s is a separately incorporated entity, we are subject to a separate lawsuit which is currently on hold pending the outcome of the lawsuit at the diocesan level. Once this case is decided at the Diocesan level, it remains to be seen how the Episcopal Church will proceed at the parish level, if they even proceed at all.

As your rector, I am very excited about the outcome of the appeal yesterday. It is a significant victory in a significant battle. There is much that still needs to happen, but I remain cautiously optimistic about our chances to ultimately prevail. Please continue to pray earnestly that God’s Will will ultimately prevail.

Regardless of the outcome, we will continue to be about the business of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in a world that desperately needs to hear it. May God bless you all throughout this Thanksgiving season.

Yours in Jesus Christ,

Fr. Townsend Waddill

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