Friday, December 16, 2011

Taking Back The Reason for the Season

Have any of you noticed that, as every year passes and we come to Christmastime once again, Christmas becomes more and more secular? Several years ago, we used to get outraged when a single store omitted the term “Merry Christmas” and instead opted for the more politically-correct term “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings.” Now, it seems that we just don’t care anymore because almost every business is doing it. It has become such a routine part of our Christmas experience that we have become desensitized to it.

It used to frustrate me greatly because I see something seriously wrong with Retail America hijacking the Christmas spirit and using it for their own profit, and then refusing to acknowledge publicly that Christmas even exists, or that it is even important, for that matter. Some people have even become so discouraged and frustrated with this, that they have opted not to celebrate Christmas at all, or Easter, or Halloween (All Saints’ Eve), for that matter – all Christian holidays that have become secularized. It is very sad to me when Christians let secularism rob them of the joy that comes with celebrating the wonderful things our Lord has done for us.

I urge you, brothers and sisters, to please enjoy Christmas anyway. When you walk into a store and they say to you “happy holidays,” turn to them and say “may the peace of Jesus Christ be with you this Christmas season and always.” During this season, we remember the birth of the single most important person to ever walk the face of this earth. It is a time when we remember that God Himself came down into this world in the flesh to redeem the flesh, to undo what Adam and Eve did when they wanted to be like God. The miracle that is the life of Jesus Christ is to be celebrated in the hearts of all faithful people and we should never allow ourselves to be robbed of the joy of Christmas by those who want to use Christmas for their own financial gain, or who want to have the joy of celebrating Christmas, but have no intention to love or follow Jesus Christ.

My favorite part of the Christmas story is the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20). The shepherds saw something so glorious that it scared them to death. The angels calmed their fears, then gave them something to rejoice about. But they didn’t stop there. They ran all around the countryside and told everyone that they could find the good news, or should I say “The Good News?” In this Christmas season, rejoice as the Shepherds did when the angels sang “Glory to God in the Highest Heaven, and on earth, peace, among men whom he favors.” But most importantly, let others see you rejoice. Do not be afraid to share the true reason for the season. Christ is counting on you! May you be richly blessed this Christmas, and may God you a blessing to others.

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