I am sitting here in the church this morning as the polls
open (on the west coast) praying and spending time with God. I’m experiencing that feeling that you get
when your favorite College Football team is playing their archrivals – it’s the
political version of Florida vs. Florida State or Auburn vs. Alabama, and the
line on the game is “pick ‘em” (for those of you aren’t sports enthusiasts,
that means that it is dead even). It’s
that feeling that you get when you sense your team is going to win, but there
is always the uncertainty that goes along with that. What if we fumble the ball at the goal line?
The one Scripture verse that has pervaded my mind and my
spirit for the last seven days comes from Romans 8:28, and many of us know it
quite well. “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called
according to his purpose.” This scripture verse has hit me strongly in
two areas – the election today, and in an issue that has been very important to
this election, abortion.
Romans 8:28 makes it very clear. No matter what happens, whether things are
good or bad, God will always work good “for those who love Him and are called
according to His purpose.” The ramifications
of this are clear. If we love God and we
put our trust in Him and His greater purposes, we cannot lose, regardless of
the outcome of the election. Whether we
win or lose, God created this world, and He is at work in it. All the elect have to do is to love God and
to trust in Him. I cannot even begin to
tell you how much hope that gives me in the midst of uncertainty.
The other way that Romans 8:28 has impacted me this week has
been in the abortion arena. St.
Michael’s participated in the 40 Days for Life Campaign, and this weekend at
Diocesan Convention, we had the amazing experience of hearing Georgette
Forney’s testimony.
If there is one thing about the abortion debate that has
impacted me, it is this one thought: many times, acts that create children are
sinful, but the child is never the sin.
All children are a blessing, regardless of how they were conceived. And that includes pregnancies that were
brought about by rape and incest. Even
Mitt Romney, who is the better of the two candidates when it comes to abortion,
supports abortion in the case of rape and incest. And I say this to him and to any other
candidate who supports any type of abortion.
Fornication, adultery, incest, and rape are all sins. Clearly!
But to follow up these sins by committing the sin of murder is just
heaping double the judgment on our heads, yet our society is encouraging women
to do that very thing.
On the other hand, what if every woman decided against
abortion and chose either to have the child and raise him as her own, or to give
the child up for adoption? This is where
Romans 8:28 comes in. By choosing to
keep the child, we are acknowledging God Himself. We are acknowledging that God really does
make amazing things happen in the midst of seemingly bad situations. All we have to do is trust in God, His
goodness and His mercy. All we have to
do is simply love him – and allow ourselves to be filled through and through
with His Grace and mercy. When we do
this, good really and truly does come out of a bad situation. But we have to love God.
During this election, remember this. God really and truly does work good in all things for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. Love God, and regardless of the outcome of this election, regardless of your life circumstances, you will experience God’s goodness and mercy. You can count on it!
Thank you and we need to constantly remind ourselves to trust in HIM and not get caught up in ourselves and the world. I am guilty of it but reading your article is a great reminder. Thanks Townsend!